Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 27: Little Gleason Forestry Plantation (MP 425) to Acton KOA (MP 444)

April 23, 2014
A chilly start to the morning; waking up around 6:30am to a layer of hoar frost covering everything. On the trail by 7am; hiking up and around Mt Gleason. The temperature soon warmed up as Alpaca and I approached Messenger Flats; yet another beautiful day! Dodged more Poodle Dog Bush as we descended down to the North Fork Ranger Station where we stopped for lunch and water. Chatting with Todd who worked at the ranger station, we realized the Acton KOA store had ice cream (which sounded amazing on such a hot day) but closed at 5pm. Finished lunch, packed up and left the ranger station around 1:45; running the 8 or 9 miles (mostly downhill) and arriving at 4:45pm! Saw ePath, Forgetmenot and Rainman at the KOA when we got there. Ended up opting for popsicles and Pepsi instead of ice cream (go figure). Decided to camp there for the night since they had showers, a pool and a hot tub. Ordered pizza, salads, sandwiches and beer via delivery from Acton - delicious! Met Rolf from Zurich, Switzerland when he arrived a bit later followed by Robodoc. Trail party at the KOA with trail friends and all the trimmings! Cowboy camped on the lush grass enjoying the stars again.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, the popsicles and pepsi comment reminded me so much of ice cream sandwiches and mountain dew at shaniko! i love following your adventures, henry!
