Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 14: MP 186 to Ziggy & The Bear

April 10, 2014

Up around 6am; packed and ready by 6:30. Backtracked a half mile to the water source to fill up for the long dry descent into Snow Creek Canyon. Onward; within another half mile, passed Paul (Dee had to get off the trail due to back spasm) and Ally camped right on the trail tread. Continued down snow-covered Fuller Ridge, passing Jill and Marc from Seattle along the way. Stopped for lunch on rock hanging off a cliff with a an amazing view of the desert floor over 6800 feet below (which I would descend over the next 13 miles). Passed mile 200 along the way; stopping for water around 5pm at the Snow Creek spigot where Paul and Alli caught up. Hiked into the early evening the last five miles to trail angels' Ziggy & the Bear's house. Arrived with Ally (who just acquired the trail-named Alpaca due top her strong pace despite her heavy pack) just in time for fresh salad, followed by a hot epsom salt foot bath and ice cream! Met Drew from Boulder, Colorado there. Cold shower (nice after the 104 degree day) and hand-washed clothes before cowboy camping on the carpet in their back yard. 25 mile day today.

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