June 5, 2014
Up this morning around 6:30am as Dirtmonger and friend passed by. More postholing through Raymond Meadows but flowers and sage smelled amazing. Lunch around mile 1060, nice view over Pleasant Valley creek. Leapfrogged Half Dome into the Sunset Lakes area of the Tioyabe National Forest before continuing to Tamarak Lake where I went swimming. Shortly after the skies started to turn grey. Soon ran into 300 and Easy Strider and went up and over the Nipple during a hail and thunder storm. Eventually turned to rain and then stopped as I approached Forestdale Divide. Beautiful campsite at the summit.
Hope all is well. I was trail angel at Echo Summit PCT parking lot. I was up there for 4 days. Others that came thru arouund your time were Phantom, Mammoth, Alphabet soup, reboot, bones, Easy Strider and Half Dome and 300. I was up in Ashland Or last week for the Oregon Shakespere Festival and must have just missed Phantom on his way to Crater Lake. My daughter got as far as climning Mt whitney and had to come back to work. Hope all is well. Marianne