168 days and 2669 miles after leaving the US/Mexico border, I've come to the end of an unbelievably amazing adventure along the Pacific Crest Trail. Many thanks for all the support I received during my hike to Canada. Now it's time for a shave!
2014 Mexico to Canada along the PCT
Monday, September 1, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Update 8/22/14
Update: crossed the Oregon/Washington border last week via the Bridge of the Gods over the Columbia River. Steeper terrain and wild berry season (blackberries, huckleberries, strawberries, marionberries) has made for slower hiking in Washington. Passed the 2300 mile mark after traversing the precipitous Knife's Edge ridge and emerging from the Goat Rocks Wilderness. Seems like the end of summer is here with colder temperatures and shorter days. Can't wait to get to Canada!
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Update 8/10/14
Another temporary update: still on the move in Oregon; through the Three Sisters Wilderness and passing the 2000 mile mark last week then on through the Mount Washington and Mount Jefferson wildernesses. Now enjoying a beer at Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood! Less than 50 miles to the Columbia River and Washington!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Update 7/25/14
Just a quick update for those wondering...finally made it out of California and into Oregon a little less than two weeks ago. Passed the two-thirds milestone at mile 1778 a few days ago, stopped for an amazing lightning and thunder storm at Crater Lake and now at mile 1852. Still heading north and doing well!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Temporary end of blog
July 8, 2014
Sorry to all following my blog but it has become an extreme burden to try to keep this updated as I hike. Mostly lack of time to write and update blogs but also lack of WiFi, cell signal and cell battery life.
At present I'm more than a month behind and, while I would love to keep it current, I also want to keep it accurate, semi-well-written, and thought out (none of which I can seem to do from the trail). I plan to finish the blog once I'm off the trail - hopefully everyone will check back in a couple months for the conclusion.
I can tell you that everything has been (and is still) going well. I've passed the 1600 mile mark and am nearing the Oregon border. Have made lots of friends and have many of good stories to tell so stay tuned.
Yukon (aka Thayer)
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Day 70: Upper Kinney Lake (MP 1052) to Forestdale Divide (MP 1074)
June 5, 2014
Up this morning around 6:30am as Dirtmonger and friend passed by. More postholing through Raymond Meadows but flowers and sage smelled amazing. Lunch around mile 1060, nice view over Pleasant Valley creek. Leapfrogged Half Dome into the Sunset Lakes area of the Tioyabe National Forest before continuing to Tamarak Lake where I went swimming. Shortly after the skies started to turn grey. Soon ran into 300 and Easy Strider and went up and over the Nipple during a hail and thunder storm. Eventually turned to rain and then stopped as I approached Forestdale Divide. Beautiful campsite at the summit.
Day 69: Boulder Creek (MP 1032) to Upper Kinney Lake (MP 1052)
June 4, 2014
Late start this morning, on the trail around 7:30am after chatting with Squirrel as she passed by my campsite. Continued through the Carson Iceberg Wilderness, past Wolf Creek Pass and around Asa Lake. Met a photographer/backpacker, Kent, as I climbed the pass near Tryon Peak. Down to Noble Lake for lunch where Half Dome (formerly Carlos) and Easy Strider passed and chatted for a while. Caught up with them in Noble Canyon where Easy Strider was doing to camp. Half Dome joined me for the climb up and past Ebbetts Pass. He stopped to camp near Sherrod Lake and I continued to Upper Kinney Lake. Twenty miles today.